Waverly Heights Life Plan Community Fills 91 Backpacks to Benefit Employees Through Back to School Drive

Waverly Heights staff and residents holding backpacks to donate to a school

Residents and staff from Waverly Heights Life Plan community filled 91 backpacks with school supplies as part of Waverly’s 4th Annual Back to School Drive.

The drive, organized by the Waverly Heights Diversity Committee, benefits school aged children and family members of Waverly employees.

The mission of the Diversity Committee is to foster an environment of belonging for all members of our community. The committee strives to create an environment of understanding and support through education, communication, and action.

“The Diversity Committee is committed to supporting our staff and their families by providing school supplies for their children,” said Grace Bregman, Waverly Heights Resident Services and Programs Manager and co-chair of the Diversity Committee. “This is the fourth year of our Back to School Drive and this event shows that Waverly Heights employees and residents are all part of one family.”